Monday, October 10, 2005

Aid Awareness
Here is an article off of Drudge.

I am fired up. The audacity of people. What do they want us to freaking do? Stop the presses and send them everything. Did anyone watch any news over the past two months? We seem to be spending some on our own disaster ravaged country. How much aid did we receive from Pakistan to help in the New Orleans ordeal? Can anyone tell me? HOW MUCH? The sheer guts to stand there and act like we owe them everything. Who do we owe? And why? I agree that we should help because we are THE superpower in the world today and we can help. But the audacity.
Finally, what the heck are the UN doing. I am glad that they can spare $100,000. That is very very nice. Is anyone knocking down their doors begging for more money? What else are they there for?
I think it is interesting to see who people look to when crisis comes. They don't look to the new EU. Or the UN. They come to us, because they know that we can and will do something about it. But to me this shows a tremendous lack of true gratitude and to be honest I think it is a slap in the face to demand help from us when our country is going through such a large crisis. That is what I have to say about that.

- Thanks Drudge and Independent Online

1 comment:

Mark Thomas said...

Why isn't my blog on your fav's list?