Thursday, February 09, 2006

Any Excuse is Valid to Kill Infidels.

Muslims hate America. Can we say that? They hate us. They hate Israel and they hate the United States of America. They will take any excuse that they can to attack us, hurt us, kill us and destroy us. Anything that they can find to 'set them off' they will find and use.
Now, I do not hate Muslims or Muslim countries. I don't have a problem with Afghanistan, Iran (maybe), Syria, Lebanon or any other country who are considered Muslim countries. I have never burned a Iranian flag. I probably won't - ever. I have never thrown a grenade at a Syrian embassy. (Or even a French one!)
Thanks to Drudge for another example of purely unwarranted Muslim hatred of America.

I am proud to be called the leading Infidel in the world, but leader of Europe. Ummm, no sir not on your life.

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