So what do we do about this funk? Is this funk bad? How long is this funk? What do we do while we are in the funk? Do you talk more or less? Do you pray more or less? What are the rules? Are you supposed to think more or try and go out and have fun? What are the rules of the funk?
This is a sermon that I would listen to:The Rules of the Funk. Why? Because I do not feel that I was adequately prepared for this funk that I have now found myself in. But then I realize how much we talked about wildernesses and things of that nature, maybe I just didn't realize what it would actually BE like.
I don't know, I am not depressed. But it is a definite funk. You know where I have seen it the most? In my room. In the cleanliness level of my room. I am not happy or content to be in my room. So when i am in it, it seems to be just long enough to sleep and change. I don't care about living there at all. This to me is showing an unrestfulness in my life.
I have discovered that my outlet/escape for stress or whatever is that I just keep moving. I don't rest, relax or anything like that - I just work harder at whatever. Not always in a productive way however.
These are just little things in my life that I am learning to watch for. I don't always know what to then do with that knowledge, but at least I have it. We all have these things. Watch for them. Little indicators that would tip us off to the real status of our worlds. It is all about the small things.
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