Sunday, April 16, 2006

Another Fine Example of This Online World

At work in my department, we recently added a person. She is very nice and quite fun. And to be honest, very useful in making my day more enjoyable with her ability to enjoy Seinfeld references and follow stupid lines of logic from Saturday Night Live sketches and other such nonsense.

However, here is what is funny. Our cubicles are directly across from each other. Literally our desks are approximately 4 feet apart. However, we don't talk to each other. It is an understood thing. We don't talk to each other. We email and that is fine. And we will chuckle quietly to ourselves if the other makes an unusually clever or even humorous reference, joke or quip in an email. But we very rarely speak.

That is just fine with me. The further I can sink into an online world, the closer I am to a complete retirement in London, Hawaii or a cabin in the mountains without people actually noticing that I am not where I should be. So, thank you Jessica.


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